New Year, New Me (& all that bollocks)

2023, what a year! Or was it? I can’t actually remember what my New Years resolution was, probably something about doing more cycling (predictable), riding different places (yep, that old chestnut) with lots of new people (ok, that happened but only up to a point).

I’m writing this in the pub with a pint in my hand, so forgive the spelling and the rambling style. After reading a post on instagram from @ipulledthepin, I realise I’ve been doing the New Year thing all wrong. Lindsey says instead of the usual, “Im going to change, get a bikini body, get promotion, be positive” bullshit that flies around at this time of year mostly by Gyms trying to shame people into joining you should just focus on one word to see you through the year. Lindsey’s word for 2023 was “soften” here’s a link to why she chose that word, she can explain it, much more eloquently than me.

So what is my word? I’ll come to that later but first lets talk about 2023 and those goals previously mentioned. I don’t think I achieved any of them. Did I ride in loads of new places? No. I’d say 80% of my rides were from the door. Did I meet new people? One or two but again I’ve mostly ridden with the same few friends, but even that seems to have been reduced this year for some reason. Have I done more cycling? Again no, around my average 4500 miles for the year.

So has 2023 been a massive fail? Up until today I’d have said yes! It’s funny how reading one post on Instagram can change your whole perspective on things but @ipulledthepin has done that today.

I’ve had a few health issues that have knocked my confidence, making long term plans awkward and the thought of bike packing a bit of a terror. I’ve said no to a lot of invites because of the “what if” demons and not wanting to let anyone down by pulling out at the last minute and felt low about it. I’ve forced myself to go and ride when not feeling great and as you’d expect, it hasn’t made the experience as enjoyable as it should have. All this comes with the worry that people will stop asking If I don’t go. Hopefully that won’t happen.

Thankfully just the simple act of riding my bike has helped with the head games even if at times it’s been hard to motivate myself to get out and ride. That’s a sentence I never thought I’d write!

So in the spirit of balance lets look at the positives of 2023. UKGRAVELCO continues to go from strength to strength, thanks to all of the people who interact with it and allow me to repost their stuff on instagram. Thanks to those who have joined the Facebook page, comment on posts on all the channels and to all the companies and distributors who have trusted me to give a fair and honest review of their products.

By far the biggest thrill for me this year has been the popularity of the UK GRAVEL COLLECTIVE youtube channel. This one here.This time last year it had around 400 subscribers and it’s now up to around 1100! Thanks to everyone who has subscribed to it or liked the videos. It has definately been hard work but so much fun and again a motivator for me to get out there. Thanks to everyone who has had to endure me whipping a camera out on group rides, asked them to ride things over and over and to all the non cyclists wondering why a bearded bloke on a bike is riding along no handed while talking to himself into a camera lens. Hopefully the growth of the channel will continue and the production values will get a bit better too! 🙂

Enough retrospection, lets look forward to 2024. I was asked by John from what my plans were for the year and I had to say I’d made none. I can update that with the fact that yesterday, I tentitively agreed to attempt the Traws Eryri (trans Snowdonia) route with a good friend and regular cycling buddy. I may live to regret that! That lack of planning frames what I thought I’d do for 2024, namely just play it by ear and see what happens. Not putting pressure on myself to do a certain amount of miles, go to important events where I (probably mistakenly) think I need to be seen to promote ukgravelco will be a good thing for me. Less pressure (I have a day job too, this cycling stuff after all is just my hobby), will hopefully mean I actually do more riding.

So following @ipulledthepin’s example we come to my word for 2024. No New Year, New Me bollocks. my word will be THANKFUL

I want to appreciate what I’ve got, I’m very privileged compared to a lot of society, I have a job, I have spare time to do something frivalous like ride a bicycle for fun rather than for work. The recent passing of Nils Amelinckx has made me realise that even the shortest ride (or just waking up in the morning) is a gift that not everyone gets. It doesn’t matter if I don’t enter a certain number of events, If I don’t pin a race number on my bike again nothing bad will happen. Thankful to feel the first warm spring sun on my face, Thankful to get to the bottom of a dodgy descent in one piece while giggling to myself that I survived it! Thankful I’ve got friends and riding buddies that will turn out for some hair brained ride idea like tossing pancakes! and thankful if I inspire one person to ride a bike for the first time or the 10000th time it will be a victory and I want to be thankful I’m able to do it.

What would your word for 2024 be?